
Is Pay-Per-Click actually effective?

PPC or pay-per-click is an advertising model where advertisers pay only when a prospect clicks on a specific ad. The aim of the PPC model can be to drive website visits, conversions, or anything in between. Pay-per-click model has various ad types like Display ads, ads on social networks while it’s more commonly used in search ads. 

As per Google, for every $1 spent on Google AdWords businesses earn an average of $2. Social Media Today states that more than 7 million advertisers invested a total of $10.1 billion in Pay-per-click ads in 2017 with 40% per cent of brands having a likelihood to increase their Pay-per-click budget. According to Word stream, the average CPC across all industries in Google AdWords is worth $2.69 and 65% of all clicks made by users who intend to make a purchase go to paid ads.

How does it work?

Being an advertiser you cannot rank higher than your competitors on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page)

just by paying higher than them. Search engines use the bidding system called “Ad Auction” where advertisers select the keywords they want to rank for. Depending upon the search query and relevancy the search engine will rank your ad along with your competitor’s and you’ll have to pay only when the prospect clicks your ad.

Costs are controlled with a daily budget where your ad will disappear from google once it meets the budget. “Google Analytics” provides data to study the campaign in detail.

This method is highly effective in campaigns which can’t be measured quantitatively providing a  cost-effective solution for the same.

Is Pay-per-click Advantageous for your business goals?

PPC advantages
  • Pay only for the visits: Unlike other advertising models in which an advertiser pays to display for the ad, can’t guarantee the results, Pay-per-click allows you to pay only for the clicks/ the number of visits to your website.
  • You are the boss: Pay-per-click model allows you to decide where and when your ads shall display. You can choose the locations and the platforms where you desperately want your ads to pop up.
  • Ease of tracking: One can easily measure and track Pay-per-click campaigns as they readily provide the statistics of the campaign’s performance like impressions, clicks, and conversions. Other models, however, fail to provide such a clear budget and performance relation.
  • Effective Targeting: Through segmentation, you can target the right audience who aren’t already exposed to your brand. Thus, the target audience are much likely to click your ad as they actively searched for your services.
  • Data: The impressions, click and conversions data you access through the campaign can work as a boon to leverage your SEO and Content Strategy efforts. It helps you understand where and who your target audience is.

Does Pay-Per-Click have any disadvantages?

  • “Clicks” is not equal to “sales”: Though the visitor has a high chance to convert, the number of clicks to your website won’t correlate to the number of sales always.
  • Time and skill: Pay-per-click campaigns demand time to drive the best results. It also requires experience and practice to set up PPC campaigns. 
  • Expensiveness: SEO requires time and skills but PPC requires money along with the other two. You need to constantly monitor and optimize your campaign to ensure an ROI.

How effective is it to your Campaign?

The effectiveness of your campaign boils down to Keyword selection, targeted copy,  landing page and some basic common sense.

An excellent ad copy lures the user to click on the ad especially when you are competing with thousands of other businesses, with just a small space on SERP to create an impact. Specificity with the keywords has a direct correlation with the increase in conversion rates. A good landing page clearly provides what the user is searching for, if you fail to do so you lose your potential customer. 

If a user types “Chinese restaurants near me ” and your restaurant is 100 km away, then for sure a PPC ad isn’t worth it in this case. 

Having a bidding strategy and constantly monitoring and optimizing your campaign is a must!

So Is Pay-per-click Effective?

Yes, It is. Pay-per-click has proved to be reliable and profitable for various B2B, B2C, and nonprofits seeking quality traffic/conversions in short time duration. It bridges the cost and performance of the campaign. They are cost-effective, produce fast results and the algorithm changes have little to no effect on PPC campaigns.

Trying out Pay-per-click can be risky but it also provides access to a lot of data which can leverage other marketing efforts. 

However, remember, that no campaign can be successful without a detailed marketing strategy! 

For more such informative content, follow Mentease Media Blogs. 

At Mentease Media, we provide social media marketing, e-commerce, branding and designing, web development, content marketing, Influencer marketing, video production, and much more.
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Content Management Traits and Must-Haves

It’s the year 2022, and every business has now understood the utmost importance of content. Nothing keeps your audience more engaged or converts more sales than ‘content’. Content Management is a huge opportunity to help a business diversify its game plan. 

Before even beginning to put a pen to your paper, there is so much that a Content Manager has to think about. The people who you wish would engage with your content, the process which makes it easier to deliver your content, and much more.

This blog will help you understand:

  1. Why is Content Management Crucial?
  2. Traits that make a Content Manager awesome! 
  3. Must-Have Skills for awe-inspiring Content Management. 

Whether you plan to hire or become a content manager, these are all the things you should know about-

Why is Content Management Crucial?

For a commoner, the meaning of content might just be ‘a state of happiness’, but to a marketer, it is a whole dimension to communicate to their consumers. It is important to steer sales through such content. An organization positions a Content Manager with the marketing strategies of their business. Managing content well means increasing conversions with search engine optimization, e-mail marketing, social media tactics, etc. 

Traits That make Content Management Awesome!

Creative Flow

‘Be original, Be creative’. Nothing makes a brand more unique while applying marketing strategies than its style of content. When you think of Google Pay as a brand, there is specific content that they put out within their campaigns that makes it easier for the audience to identify them. Be it brand-advertisement associated content or social media content, it is extremely important to make sure that you don’t let your brand fit into a box. 

Technical Know-How

It’s a no-brainer that being Tech Savvy is a bonus for any job title in 2022. But a manager must put in more effort to understand how to input technology to make everyone’s work output much more efficient. The digital side of content is growing day by day and Content Managers need to stay on their toes to learn and imply any new tech to optimize work.


Writing and Editorial Proficiency

A content manager who knows not only writing but writing as the brand’s voice is a must. Every piece of content that gets delivered should only speak the brand’s message. Their common job is to oversee, every post, blog, or article being published. Every writer has their own style but it’s crucial to make sure it aligns with the company’s content strategy. 

So editing any content into well-crafted content is their expertise.

Take a Lead

A Content Manager has a responsibility to lead his team while launching a campaign or project. They manage to build a strategy wherein they assign work, set deadlines, and follow through as and when needed. It’s all about coordinating content from the creation to delivery points.

Take a lead

Analytical Tool

It’s an asset to keep your content in check with all the tools available. Familiarise themselves with CMS (Content Management System) tools that include data research and help filter content that aims to reach the potential audience through a marketing funnel. Appropriate software can help organize the format or channel of content. The common tools are Keyword Research Tools- Semrush, Ubbersuggest, etc., Content Roadmaping- Jira, Trello, and more.   

Time Management

Putting out content is a mix of writing in advance and in the spur of the moment. According to the Content Manager, when there is a regular requirement of content to be put out on a platform, there should create a calendar for the writing as well as publishing of the content. Often when content clusters itself, it is favorable to have organized content rather than juggling everything at once.

Time Management

Must-Have Skills for awe-inspiring Content Management

  • Hands-on experience with WordPress
  • Knowledge of SEO and Web Traffic tools
  • Analytical Interpretation 
  • Familiar with Content Marketing Strategies

Companies are always in search of a Content Manager that grows their business and attracts more audiences. And we hope our blog benefits you to grab a company’s attention to become their next Content Manager!

For more such informative content, follow Mentease Media Blogs. 

At Mentease Media, we provide social media marketing, e-commerce, branding and designing, web development, content marketing, influencer marketing, video production, and much more.

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7 Highly Effective Digital Marketing Tools

If you are only focused on getting the job done, without a perspective or purpose in sight, then it is time to utilize a few digital marketing tools that will shape your business to success.

Don’t worry, we have taken the liberty of conducting valuable research for giving you the ultimate tools that will optimize your digital marketing tactics instantly.



What is it that Hubspot focuses on? The app that calls itself a CRM platform uses inbound marketing as a tool that tailors a personalized relationship with consumers. Including collaborative, operational, and analytical digital marketing tools that help in an overall business approach. The ultimate goal is to generate sales through a single source.


A vital aspect of marketing is delivering content. Buzzsumo is the go-to app to get inspired and generate fresh content. What is the latest buzz? Who are the most talked-about people? How can you keep the audience engaged?

Get on with the latest trends and make your content go viral with fresh content with such digital marketing tools.


digital marketing tool

From making presentations for your school work to being a powerful marketing tool. If you wish to work on designs, Canva is an app that can flourish your creativity through graphic designs. You can explore with graphics for social media posts, book covers, resumes, and everything in between. There are many ready-to-use templates and uncomplicated tools available for free. 

Google Analytics

digital marketing tools

The technical know-how of web analytics can help you understand the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. Google analytics gives a specific statistic of your website traffic. Based on the results you see, you can alter your methods and cater better to the potential audience. 


analytics tool

For organizing as well as management freaks, this is the perfect app to get a clear picture of your plan. Manage the content to be posted days ahead. Likewise, link them to different platforms and keep a track of your performance.  Digital Marketing Tools like buffer makes it easier to execute your content management goals.


SEO tool

If you want your page to land on the first page of a google search, there are three words that you should always focus on- Search Engine Optimization. As a matter of fact, the aspects that you can cover through Yoast SEO are plugin links and the readability of your blog.


When your work starts piling up and you can’t get hold of things to do. It is a call for Trello. Further, create a productive schedule to have a visual plan of your tasks. Above all, marketers can communicate and keep a track of their strategies together through Trello.

Lastly, our list of 7 highly effective digital marketing tools in an effort to landscape all the marketing requirements for your next action-packed campaign.

For more such informative content, follow Mentease Media Blogs. 

At Mentease Media, we provide social media marketing, e-commerce, branding and designing, web development, content marketing, Influencer marketing, video production, and much more.

Visit our page :-


Data and Tools

The Role of Media Agency In Modern World

A Media Agency pitches its ideas and gets the clients on board. Now, what next? 

In the whirlpool of agencies, there are many services that a media agency offers. 

To get familiar with the industry, we’ll look at WHAT, HOW, and WHOM do they work with? 

Media Agency- The people behind curating your marketing plans and analyzing how to use different media for optimum benefits. With a ton of resources available on the internet, they connect your business to the consumers. Any business that wants to expand its reach or market its products/services through media, can hire an agency.   

Data and Tools

Before diving into any task, there is a lot of data to research through. Collecting the right data before applying it to a campaign can make a huge difference. The experts use data like a machine that drives their marketing strategy. Once the data has been gathered they can easily use different tools to present it to the audience. An agency will have all the necessary tools under a single roof. 

Data and Tools

Creative Outflow

Every project handled by a media agency will have its tweaks of creativity. Beyond the usual techniques of marketing, one has to think outside the box to make an impact. They have the experience to craft campaigns that catch the eye. Involved in the creation of graphics, content, animation, designing, and beyond.

Build an Audience

People demand content. Everyone is either generating content or consuming it. And when the media marketing agencies release relevant content to any community, they slowly build an audience through it.

Build an Audience

Breakdown The Cost

Having an in-house media team can be beneficial to an extent, but the cost graph will always have an upward flow. The media agency will solve such budget problems. With their ideal bundle service offers, they invest more into the campaign. 

Manage,Monitor And Monetize

Before putting an accelerator on any plan, there are a lot of aspects to focus on. With a strong idea and insights about putting out the campaign, they manage the flow of actions. Access to the outcome of their campaign is continuously monitored. It is their job to make sure that every channel is working smoothly and deliverables are presented timely. 

For example, after the launch of their campaign, Instagram showed a very positive response. But on the other hand, LinkedIn did not prove to be a productive platform. Instead of continuing on LinkedIn, they can decide to put breaks and monetize their way through Instagram.

Manage Monitor Monetize

For more such informative content, follow Mentease Media Blogs. 

At Mentease Media, we provide social media marketing, e-commerce, branding and designing, web development, content marketing, influencer marketing, video production, and much more.

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